If going on fishing on every suitable occasion is one of your hobbies, then this article is just for you. You may come across some issues regarding fishing rods once in a while and may need to resort to some quick fixes. Here, we have compiled a range of repairing methods including fly rod repair.
You may face different types of issues with your fishing rod and you’ll need different approaches to address them. So, before you fix the fishing rod, assess the problems in your rod first. After understanding the issue, find out how to repair a broken fishing rod by following this article.
Repairing Snapped Fiberglass Rod
If you are looking for how to fix a broken fishing pole, chances are that you need a fix for the fiberglass pole. When your fiberglass fishing rod has snapped or broken, here is what you can do to fix this.
- Step One : Smoothening the Broken Rod
You either need to cut or sand the broken edge of the rod. To sand, take sandpaper of 180-220 grit and rub it on the edge of the surface to smooth the rod. If you find it is too jagged and only sanding isn’t helping, use a pair of very sharp scissors to trim the sharp and jagged edges of the rod. Then, use the sandpaper to smooth out the edges so that it is blunt. This step is important because jagged edges are very weak to support the entire rod, and makes the rod vulnerable and prone to frequent breakage.
- Step Two : Measure the Circumference of the Rod
Take a tape measure, make sure it is very flexible. Measure the circumference of the two pieces of your broken pole. Note down the measurements for fixing.
If you don’t have flexible tape, you can measure the diameter of the two ends of the rods.
- Step Three : Cut a Fresh Piece of Fiberglass
Get a fiberglass pole having a circumference around 0.32-0.64 cm smaller than the circumference of your fishing rod. Now cut a 30 cm piece from that pole, use a hacksaw for that. Then fit this piece of fiberglass pole into the fishing rod so that it can support the rest of the rod.
You will find the fiberglass poles at the local hardware stores. If you don’t find any that matches the color of the pole of your fishing rod, then go for whatever is available as it will be inside the rod anyways, thus, will not be visible.
However, if your fishing rod is not hollow, then this method will not be applicable for fixing your fishing rod. In that case, you may need to tightly tape to join the broken pieces together. If that does not keep them together, then sadly, replacing the fishing rod is the only option left for you.
- Step Four : Insert the Fiberglass Pole into One Side of the Fishing Rod
Hold your fiberglass rod parallel to the ground. Then slide an end towards the fishing rod, but do not insert it completely, leave about 15 cm of the pole out from the rod. If you find your pole fits inside the rod loosely, wrap around the pole with any kind of tape (masking, duct, or electrical) to make it thicker and fit inside tightly.
- Step Five : Applying Epoxy
At this stage, you will need 2-part epoxy to create a thin layer on top of the pole. You can find epoxy at any hardware store near you. First, pour some of the solutions into a bowl. Then take a paintbrush and apply the epoxy like paint on the bare 15 cm of the fiberglass pole.
After putting the layer, you need to work on the next steps as quickly as possible, before the epoxy dries and sets.
- Step Six : Joining the Rod
Now that you have applied the epoxy on the pole which will work like glue, you need to quickly adjust the remaining part of the broken rod with the fiberglass pole. You need to ensure that the guides line up with the pole and do not get tangled while joining the parts of the rod. Adjust the rod as needed, twist, and turn if needed.
Epoxy needs time to perfectly set. So leave it undisturbed overnight. If you see clumps of epoxy coming out of the rod, then adjust and smooth it with your wet fingers. It will set accordingly. For an added layer of safety, wrap electrical tape around the joint.
Replacing Rod Guide
- Step 1: Cutting The Tape
Take a razor blade and cut some of the tapes around the threading of the rod. You can also use a craft or Exacto knife. If you are having issues cutting that, heat that area of the rod for about 4 seconds. This will loosen any kind of adhesive and help you peel off the tape. Then keep unwinding the thread and eventually the broken rod guide will come off.
Be very careful of handling the rods, do not damage them by hearing too much to the rod, it is only meant for loosening the adhesive. And again, while cutting the tape from the rod, make sure you do not cut the rod itself, it will only make the rod weaker.
- Step 2: Sanding
Sanding helps the guide to stick better with the rod. Use 120 or 220 grit sandpaper to rub off the excessive remainder of adhesive products from the rod. Sand the entire rod, especially at the place where you want to set the guide.
Step 3 : Aligning the New Guide
Push down the foot to hold the rod steady while you wrap it. Then Tape the foot of the new guide to align with the rod.
Step 4 : Wrap the Thread
Loop the thread around the rod while keeping the foot of the guide close to the handle. Tightly wrap the thread around the rod to avoid overlapping on the loops.
Step 5 : Form a Loop
When you have wrapped close to the end, having 1/8th of an inch or about .32 cm left from the guide, pause winding and take a separate 15cm or 6-inch piece of thread. Form a loop with that, put it over the wrapped thread around the rod, ensure the loop of the smaller piece sticks out near your guide.
Step 6:
Now wrap the remainder of the 1/8th inch of the rod, keeping the loop sticking out.
Step 7 : Tucking In
Cut the treat keeping a little room to tuck in. Pass the wrapping thread through the loop. Then pull down the thread of the loop so that the end of the thread gets tucked inside the wrapping of the thread.
Step 8 : Epoxy Layer
Use a bowl to mix 2-parts epoxy and combine very well, otherwise, it will not harden properly. Then paint a thin coat of epoxy all over your thread wrapping. The goal is to set the threading on the handle solid so that it is unaffected by any scratch of tugging.
Rod Tip Repair
- Step 1 : Loosen the Adhesive
Put a lighter carefully around the tip of the fishing rod. This will loosen the adhesive of the tip and will help you release it from the rod. Then pull it out by using a pair of pliers.
- Step 2 : Smoothen The Edge
Use 120to 220 grit sandpaper to rub off the uneven edges of the rod tip, remove the pieces of shard if there is any.
- Step 3 : Apply Rod Cement (Adhesive For The Rod) And Attach The Rod
This adhesive is available in cylindrical or any shaped block. Slice thin chip-like pieces from this block and heat it with a lighter to melt inside of the new top tip. Then adjust this tip using a pair of pliers. And heat the tip for another 4-5 seconds so that it drips and sticks with the rod. Adjust it quickly and let it sit for at least 2 hours, the more, the better.
Fishing Rod Repair Sleeve
You might often hear about fishing rods breaking while transporting or storing. Perhaps you already faced it yourself. Some people use fishing rod sleeves for that reason. Fishing rod sleeves, or also called rod jackets are a protective covering for your fishing rods to keep them away from any possible damages, as well as preventing the scopes from sticking to random objects.
But, these jackets have both pros and cons to consider before you start using them. These sleeves are mainly designed to ensure damage control for your fishing rods. So, there is less chance of breakage of the rod or the pole. Also, it prevents tangling the guide to any other object or other rods, if you are storing more than one rod. These sleeves are quite inexpensive too. So, it can be included in maintenance very conveniently.
On the contrary, the possible issue you might find from using a rod sleeve is that the nylon material tends to be damaged by the fishing hook. Other than that, you have to choose the perfect size of the sleeve for the rod. Otherwise, a smaller jacket will pressurize the fishing rod and eventually causing it to break by making the rod weak over time.
If you are a beginner in fishing, then research how to take care of your fishing gear, as well as how to repair a broken fishing rod. Be aware of what causes the damage for the rods, and what to be done in that case. So, preparing a broken fishing rod repair kit from the very beginning will help you to tackle any minor or significant issues instantly.
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