However, deer hunting is a game of making decisions and odds. The deer hunters must know when they can hunt and when not to. Deer do not maintain the same schedule as humans. So, for successful hunters, it is essential to know about the deer’s internal clocks. Some deer hunters like to stand from sunrise to sunset. Someone wishes to spend a few hours at the starting of the day and waiting beside the hunting site from the late afternoon until the sun goes down.
However, the hunter knows that the early morning and the late evening are the perfect time for hunting deer. Someone said that they are very successful during the afternoon hunt instead of the morning hunt. But all these are the preference of the hunters. Someone feels comfortable hunting during the afternoon. They don’t want to wake up in the early morning, and they prefer the warm-up time. They think that they can see more deer at that time.
Deer nature is to move during the dawn and dusk period, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t move the rest of the part of the day. Hunters always prefer the deer’s feeding zone; during the late and early season, deer get up, they are going to eat and drink their food every 4 to 6 hours every day. There is always some chance to catch a deer during the morning and evening part of the day, especially in the dense areas, where they move more.
Dramatically the deer movement is increasing during the second week of November because this is the white-tailed deer’s breeding season. Bucks usually stick to adjust their morning and evening routine and lose the sense of time as well. And they like to spend their whole day. The whole of November is suitable for hunting in the afternoon instead of the morning.
There is an internal clock that is set permanently inside every deer. This clock depends on the biological and circumstances factors and understanding the deer’s movement the whole day. Skilled hunters also have excellent knowledge about the moon and the weather’s effect on the deers’ schedules. Here I will suggest to you some conditions and situations that are very favorable for deer hunters.
- During the Daytime
During the daytime, most deer are moving at the beginning and the end of the day. But don’t think that the deer never move at the other time of the day. At midnight, when almost all the people are sleeping, you can see the deer are moving on the street. Daytime movement is very erratic for deer movement. However, deer movement depends on some factors. Among them, rain always increases the level of primary scenes and interface. Heavy rain can increase deer activity, and it can be the best time to catch the deer. The rut can also be responsible for hunting deer. Deers always maintain a strict routine; they become more erratic, especially for the bucks during the rut or movement.
- Morning and Evening Hunt
We already know that dawn and dusk are the primary time for hunting deer and the best time for hitting the stand. But remember that they have their own merits and demerits. You have to consider all the things logically. When you want to catch a herd of deer, and the bucks are out of the range of your bow, you need to stick for the whole night. This situation occurred when the deer are moving on the feeding area.
On the other hand, it is risky for the deer, and they never return to the feeding area. During the evening hour, when your primary scene is sight, all the things will be darker, even for the deer. On the other hand, the evening has some advantages comparing with the morning, when the deer aren’t in the rut, then the evening time is the best time for searching the food because of those who are sleeping the whole day long. Food is the only attractive thing for the hungry deer. Hungry deer always permits you to get rid of the stand during the afternoon when you can see the sunlight. During the morning, you need to go to the stand in the dark. At that time, this way, your stealth will be considerably diminished. All the deer doesn’t maintain the same sleeping time. So you may hit the stand during this time.
Although in the morning, if the deer are in the rut, it does have some perks. Before going to sleep, dawn is a happy time for the bucks. They are going to be distracted at that time. And after some time they join together again and make some plans. When the sun is rising, they are very rush to return to their beds. At that time, someone may mistake and come to the range of your bow. However, morning and evening hunting always depends on your preference. Some feel comfortable hunting during the dark time, and some deer may not be in the rut or some biologically like dark weather. Another thing is that always keep it in your mind that twilight is generally considered the best time to catch the deer because, at that time, they are moving. On the other hand, dusk and dawn are a better choice over the other.
- About the Midday
Though dawn and dusk are the best time to hunt the deer, it is not only the time for hunting deer. Just like midnight, it will be possible to see the deer moving on the midday also. Lost of things can affect the movement of the deer during midday. The main factor is human movement. When the hunters get bored and feel hungry and sitting under the tree stand, you can see the deer on their way out of the woods. The moon also plays a significant effect in hunting the deer. During the full moon, the deer like to move on the midday. During the last quarter, deer like to move in the afternoon; and during the new moon, they want to move later into the very typical morning.
- Hunting at Night
Deer are a member of crepuscular species, which means they like to move during the full moon or the twilight hours, dusk, and dawn. They move to the feeding area at night and go to sleep in the day time. It is the time when bucks chase the does. There is a great chance to see them at that time, and you can shoot for hunting.
Most of the hunters consider that the night time the best time for hunting deer. At that time, they are not moving too much and finding their food in the open field. But in some zone, night hunting is illegal; you cannot hurt anything. So, for that area, it isn’t enjoyable for the hunters who love to hunt during night time.
- Temperature Swing
Temperature swing dramatically depends on the movement of the deer. Decreasing temperature increases the activity of the deer rather than the increasing temperature.
- Minor Weather Effects
Some minor weather like the storm or the pop-up showers can mostly affect the deer’s movement. If this situation exists for a long time of the day, you can see the significant changes in the whitetail deer’s direction.
Hunters always want to do their hunting most of the free time, and they also need to find out the prime time for hunting deer. Knowing all the factors can affect mostly the sector of hunting. I hope the overall discussion will change the chance of success. Food sources, moon effects, wind, and time of the year can affect the hunting pattern’s timing. But the successful hunter like you always keep in your mind that each of the deer has their sense, and when you cannot figure them out, you will never be a successful hunter.
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